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| class AttackBehavior: def attack(self): pass
class MeleeAttack(AttackBehavior): def attack(self): print("Performing a melee attack.")
class RangedAttack(AttackBehavior): def attack(self): print("Performing a ranged attack.")
class ArtilleryAttack(AttackBehavior): def attack(self): print("Performing an artillery attack.")
class Unit: def __init__(self, attack_behavior): self.attack_behavior = attack_behavior
def perform_attack(self): self.attack_behavior.attack()
infantry = Unit(MeleeAttack()) dwarf_gunner = Unit(RangedAttack()) mortar_squad = Unit(ArtilleryAttack())
infantry.perform_attack() dwarf_gunner.perform_attack() mortar_squad.perform_attack()
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| class BoundaryStrategy(ABC): """Boundary strategy abstract class."""
@abstractmethod def handle(self, surface, phonon): """process phonon.
According to the surface geometry, change properties of the injected phonon.
Args: surface (Surface): Surface objective. phonon (Phonon): Phonon objective. """ pass
DiffusiveStrategy() ReflectiveStrategy() GrayDiffusiveTransReflectStrategy(transmisstance = 0.5)
读这些总让我想起些其他的事情,在海德格尔的世界里,“世界”并不是一个外在于人的物理空间,世界乃是与他内在一体的意义结构。比如山岩、高楼,当无人站入其中时,它们尚不是“世界”,而仅只是无意义的“物”,一旦某人站入其中,他们就成了世界,成为有意义的相关者。人具有能动性,因而具有自由,他参与了自己所处“世界”的构建。做科研和工作时间越长,感觉自己的怀疑论倾向就更多一点,现象就这样发生了,不同的人在这个现象上面建了一个又一个框架,叠了一层又一层知识试图去解释这个现象,但都好像是空中楼阁。大厦建的越高,好像离地下的真相越远。自己要是个马克.思主义者,那就会用阶.级去对这个世界建模和划分,而要是个佛教徒,对世界运转的图像就完全不同的,比如众生无止息地造业,有因就有果,善业必有善报,恶业必有恶报,谓之业力与因果。众生共同的业力,形成了世间... 哪里也没有真正的图像,就像霍金的金鱼缸一样,意义和价值判断都可能是虚假的。所以只值得为了具体的人去放弃概念,而不值得为了抽象的干净的概念去牺牲掉人。所以放弃在意义幻想的诱饵中获得充实感,忍受西西弗斯式的痛苦,"假如他每走一步都有成功的希望支持着,那他的苦难又在何方呢?"
村上 所谓“进入匣子”,在宗教那里,就是“绝对皈依”吧?
河合 是的,绝对皈依。这个说舒心也舒心。看见这些人,就会对世界怀有疑问,觉得“这好像有些怪”,全都。而“有些怪”这个疑问,一旦进入匣子,就全部被解释得十分通透:“这是karma(业障)”。
村上 解释通透这点,对个人是很重要的。
河合 不错。不过么,全都解释通透的逻辑,那东西是绝对不成立的。让我们说来就是这样。可是,普通人喜欢解释通透的东西。
村上 是啊,大家都在寻求那样的东西。这不限于宗教,一般媒体也是那样。”
说的粗暴点,社会原本就是恶劣的东西。可是不论如何恶劣,我们(至少是我们中的绝大多数)却不得不在其中苟活下去——尽量诚实地,正直地。重要的真是毋宁在于这一点。 说得再深入些,我认为这里的外在混沌,不应当作他者和障碍加以排斥,而应是为我们内在混沌的反应接纳下来。其间的矛盾、庸俗、伪善和软弱,其实不正与我们内心暗藏的矛盾、庸俗、伪善和软弱相同吗?
No Silver Bullet,软件工程可以使人的想法更立体一点,大家都学习一些设计模式,世界一定会更平和一点..
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| class Command: def execute(self): pass
def undo(self): pass
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| class Controller: def __init__(self): self.history = []
def execute_command(self, command): command.execute() self.history.append(command)
def undo_last_command(self): if self.history: command = self.history.pop() command.undo() else: print("No command to undo")
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| class MoveCommand(Command): def __init__(self, unit, new_position): self.unit = unit self.new_position = new_position self.previous_position = None
def execute(self): self.previous_position = self.unit.position self.unit.position = self.new_position print(f"{self.unit.name} moved to {self.unit.position}")
def undo(self): self.unit.position = self.previous_position print(f"{self.unit.name} moved back to {self.unit.position}")
class AttackCommand(Command): def __init__(self, unit, target): self.unit = unit self.target = target
def execute(self): print(f"{self.unit.name} attacked {self.target.name}")
def undo(self): print(f"Undo {self.unit.name}'s attack on {self.target.name}")
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| class Unit: def __init__(self, name, position): self.name = name self.position = position
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| unit1 = Unit("Knight", (0, 0)) unit2 = Unit("Archer", (1, 1))
controller = Controller()
controller.execute_command(MoveCommand(unit1, (2, 2))) controller.execute_command(AttackCommand(unit1, unit2))
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| class AttackBehavior: def attack(self): pass
class MeleeAttack(AttackBehavior): def attack(self): print("Performing a melee attack.")
class RangedAttack(AttackBehavior): def attack(self): print("Performing a ranged attack.")
class ArtilleryAttack(AttackBehavior): def attack(self): print("Performing an artillery attack.")
class Unit: def __init__(self, attack_behavior): self.attack_behavior = attack_behavior
def perform_attack(self): self.attack_behavior.attack()
class Command: def execute(self): pass
def undo(self): pass
class MoveCommand(Command): def __init__(self, unit, new_position): self.unit = unit self.new_position = new_position self.previous_position = None
def execute(self): self.previous_position = self.unit.position self.unit.position = self.new_position print(f"{self.unit} moved to {self.unit.position}")
def undo(self): self.unit.position = self.previous_position print(f"{self.unit} moved back to {self.unit.position}")
class AttackCommand(Command): def __init__(self, unit): self.unit = unit self.previous_action = "Idle"
def execute(self): self.previous_action = "Attack" self.unit.perform_attack()
def undo(self): print(f"Reverted {self.unit}'s action from Attack to {self.previous_action}")
class Controller: def __init__(self): self.commands = [] self.history = []
def add_command(self, command): self.commands.append(command)
def execute_commands(self): while self.commands: command = self.commands.pop(0) command.execute() self.history.append(command)
def undo_last_command(self): if self.history: command = self.history.pop() command.undo() else: print("No commands to undo")
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| infantry = Unit(MeleeAttack()) infantry.position = (0, 0) dwarf_gunner = Unit(RangedAttack()) dwarf_gunner.position = (1, 1)
controller = Controller()
controller.add_command(MoveCommand(infantry, (2, 2))) controller.add_command(AttackCommand(dwarf_gunner)) controller.execute_commands()