Near-Junction Thermal Simulation of GaN Devices

2021/06/01 - Current.

PhD project, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

To gain a clearer understanding of the electrothermal transport as well as the reliability issues in GaN HEMT, the topics of interest include near-junction thermal spreading, ballistic transport, bias-dependent effects, electrical performance degradation, and so on. I am also developing an advanced simulation platform for multiscale thermal simulation of electronic devices.


Development of database and processing system for Mass flight test data

2023/06/26 - 2023/08/06.

Intership, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC), Shanghai, China

Test flight data is crucial for validating aircraft design and indicating performance. With the widespread use of advanced avionics and network acquisition systems, test flight data has become increasingly voluminous and complex, making it challenging to use effectively.

The ability to efficiently retrieve and analyze test flight data samples and collections from massive datasets is essential for improving data analysis efficiency and extracting business value from test flight data. Therefore, I designed and developed an efficient dataset tool that allows for rapid data retrieval and accurate data positioning.

Thermophysical Properties of Supercritical RP-3 Aviation Kerosene

2019/09/07 - 2021/06/01.

Graduation Project, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

The thermophysical properties of supercritical RP-3 aviation kerosene were studied, including density, viscosity, specific heat capacity at constant pressure and thermal conductivity. Using genetic algorithm, neural network, extended corresponding state principle, and molecular dynamics simulation, I studied the construction methods of surrogate models and thermophysical properties of aviation kerosene RP-3 , and built the thermophysical property database.


Analytical Solution of regularized 13-moment equations for rarefied gas flow

2020/07/01 - 2019/09/01.

Internship, Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC), Beijing, China

At large Knudsen numbers, the continuum assumption fails and the Navier-Stokes equation becomes inapplicable. In this case, the regularized 13-moment equation can be derived from the Boltzmann transport equation to describe the motion of this rarefied fluid.

In this work, I derived the R13 equation in spherical coordinates using the linear small perturbation method and solved the flow around a sphere.


Concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient

2019/07/01 - 2019/09/07.

Internship, Institute of Fulid Science (IFS), Tohoku Univeristy, Sendai, Japan

Changes in the flavor of whiskey under different storage conditions can be attributed in part to changes in the alcohol diffusion coefficient. In this work, I investigate the concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient of an alcohol-water binary system using inverse analysis. The transient diffusion field of the solution was measured using a phase interferometer, and the diffusion coefficient was determined using a genetic algorithm.

I compared a series of genetic algorithms and found that deterministic crowding technique was a good choice for this problem. In addition, better inversion results can be obtained by applying higher weights to the transition parts of the concentration curve.


Cellular Instability of Premixed Laminar Flame

2018/10/01 - 2019/07/01.

Student Research Training (SRT), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Cellular instability is an interesting phenomenon in the propagation of premixed laminar flames. Using a constant pressure incendiary bomb experimental system, I studied the cellular instability of n-heptane/air mixtures diluted with argon.



  • 氧化镓文章
  • C++开发
  • Parser开发
  • 表驱动与工厂方法
  • 计算机软硬件协议
  • 纳米集成电路的多尺度热分析